Emma was at home in Oslo for a while,untill she and her mother came back to spent sometime with us here. It has been realy hot .... When they left Oslo it was +40 degrees in their apartment.Jacob has been waiting for Emma to return, he sat on her baby carriage and waited ... I don't know how to make him understand that she are not here all the time...

But now we all enjoy to spend some time with her again. Learning her to read the newpaper and so on...

I have done a lot of stitching these last weeks--- I got my first july project ready. The first kit from
Stitchery of the Month Club.
Rosalie Quinlans Grandma's House. It was ment to be framed, but I made it as a cushion. It looks great I think. I got my second kit and has started on it too... This is a great club ;-)

Last week was realy hot her in Trysil , so it was difficult to get to bed in the nigths.This is how it looks at one o'clock in the middle of the nigth- The sun has problems to go to bed as well.

Jacob are a bit jealous on Cyan...She can walk where ever she wants all the day,while he have to stay in his cage sometimes. So he tryes to chase her sometimes, but Cyan got a brigth idea and went to sleep in my leftovers. Under the table in my sewing area. Guess who are going to sneeze the next time I'm going to search in this box ;-)

When I was in Oslo visiting Emma and her mother we went for a lot of walking in the town, here we are on
Akerbrygge, there was a lovely ligth breeze from the sea.

We also took a walk up to
Katrines Quiltestue...And I got some new patterns, new DMC floss and some blue fabrics....witch I realy need... Yes I have found a new pattern I just HAVE to do...

Look at this wonderfull quilt on the front of Homespun...I'm not clever to use blue fabrics- but great to buy them, so now I will have this quilt as a slow goal. I will make it by hand and have no pressure. Wonder if I got pressure on all my other ufo's ???? Hm It don't looks so.
Hope you all are having a great stitching days...I know I will ;-)