I have been busy with a lot of sewing these last days.
I have done this great bag., it is the kit I got from
Lappemor, when she meet me on the bus when I came from
Leanne and
Gails clases in Trondheim. I love the bag - Lappemor has choose beautifull fabrics so this are my new favorite bag- at the moment... ;-)

When we came in to the class room at
Quiltegården , we found plastic bags on our desks with the kit to this bags in it. A lovely bag to carry new projects in , and a great memory from the weekend. Thank you Siw and all your great helpers.

I have manage to do a little somthing for Emma also this last weeks. She has became almost a big girl now. Soon 7 month old.The time runs so fast - It will be so fun to meet her again in a couple of weeks---- and her mother and aunt too ;-)

I made Emma this book from a kit I bought in Gøteborg this spring.Fun and easy to make and it is machine washable, realy great for someone who love to chew on everything...

Outside there have been some days with snow and some days with a lot of sunshine, but I belive the winter are here soon. Great sewing days ;-) But it is not so simple to be a bird.. I saw this woodpecker in a pine in my garden. They are a bit shy so I had to take the photo through the window pane..

This are also out of my window pane,A lot of hungry birds eating frosen rowanberry..

But some birdes has a easy life .... Jacob sit warm and satisfied inside and look at the cold birds outside in the snowy tree.Some birds realy got a easy life..... Or not ... He has some battle with me about if he can drop my pins on the flor or eat my thread.... Or fighting with Cyan about who are the boss in this house......

Cyan are a smart cat woman and let Jacob belive he rules the house, as other ladies I know :-), and take a nap in Emmas carriage.
To morrow I'm going to give first aid to an old quilt..... a WISP who has been lying in my sewing room for a looong time... I got Buttonhole stitching-refusal and pretend not to have the quilt, but now is the time to bring it in to the ligth and have a re-start.... I want it and even got a its own place to hang it when it is done... So now I cross my fingers and hope to do the rest of it...
I will show you later...
Have great days--- I have a lot on my mind and in my fingers now-- One thing are done and in the mail- the parsell for my Angel in the Stitchers Angel Swap... I hope she like it. ;-)
Take care and have great sewing days ;-)