Luckey me have had a long visit of Emma and her mum, but now they are at their own home and our house are empty and quiet.It is so fun to be able to follow Emma on her way from baby to child. Here she are trying Santas chair.When they went back to Oslo ,I followed and stay for the weekend, visiting some shops and
Nemo of course....

We all went to Sweden on a "Harry"- trip. We went to a big mall and I found this great fabrics in
Panduro. Brand new fabrics from Stoff. The fabrics with Roses are Tilda- fabrics.The little Tin was another temptation who hade to come home with me.I see on some others blogs that they are staying focus and are making ufoes.... I try to do so also, but there are so many temtations....

When I was in Oslo I got more fabrics.... Some are fabrics I need to have and other are just because..... I got some from
Katrines quiltestue,and some from Panduro. I realy needed somthing fresh in my stash now.. I have no quiltstore close to me anymore.....So it will be great to go to the NQF annual meeting this year... Quess who are going crazy in the shops... ;-)
The mail man are bringing me temptations too,this I got in mail last week. Pretty little Cozies and Animal Crackers. The first block of
Bronwyn Hayes new BOM.More to start to make soon, but first I have to finish all the kit from The Stitchery of the month club. I hope to be able to finish them before the last kit shows up in my mail box..

More temptations... Advertise from a new book from
Trine Bakke . I fell in love with these Miniature Dresden Plates and had to order them at once from
Lappe Makeriet . I also took a phone to Hobby Klubben ( the book club) and asked nicely if they could mail me the book in a hurry... And the sweet lady says ; Yes of course , it will be in mail to day - so it will be at your home in about 10 days....... I wonder how they can let a book out on the road all by it self ;-) She must be walking... This evening all my Dresden plates are done , and I'm still watching the mail man for the book. It is great rumours says....

I found all the fabrics for the Dresden Plates in this box of old trade samples from quilt stores. I love to play with trade samples, but I don't know where to get more... So mine are realy a treasure...

It is not only me who got tempt . Cyan tryed to hide and get some frsh leaf to eat.It is hard to be a indoor cat. ;-)
Now I'm of to bed, to morrow it is
Quilt meeting in Elverum, it will be fun to see what all the clever ladies have been working on during Christmas time and the cold weather.
So to all of you - have fun and stay focus, just like me.... ;-)