Last weekend we packed our trunk in the car and went to Stokke and this years Annual Meeting in NQF.Not long after the start we saw 3 mooses. WOW they are big and luckey for us they just walk across the road.

There was a lot happening at the Quilt meeting. Lots of ladies, old and new friends, shops ,classes and meeting. I went only to have a great time and to spend some time with great friends... But I had to go to the lecture by Yoko Saito.A brilliant quilt artist, She didn't speak english but the interpreter did her best so we learn a little from her work. She have made 25 books and has a lot of peoples to help her. Yoko had two quilts in the show... Big quilts with a lot of tiny applique...
I had to take some close up photos..... Look at this butterfly..I wonder if I ever manage to do sutch beautifull appilque...

This is another of Yokos quilts.If you want to see more from the classes and the show, look at
May Britt and
Hannes blogs.

The whole happening was at Brunstad Conference Center in Stokke. Our "home" for the weekend was one of these little cabins close to the sea. But it was only used to sleep and late nigths relax. Most of the time we were shoping- looking and haveing great time with other quilt ladies and great friends...

When I got home I found this kit in my mail box. The second bag kit from
QFD. So now I'm looking forward to do
Natalie Ross's Beach House Bag. I love the colours and the fabrics.

Ok- ok .... I did bring some stuf home from the Quilt meeting LOL I got two thimbles- one from the Registration bag and the other from Tønsberg, the near by town. I went there with some great friends visiting two quiltshops. Lenes hobby and
Quiltefryd. I found a lot to buy..... Some fabrics and a lot of batting. I have some ufo'es to finish... ,-)

Here are some of my buying... I got three books -Baskets made from cloth by Yoko Saito, If quilts could talk by Whimsicals and Bits and Pieces by Karen Costello Soltys.Lots of - want to do- in those books. :-) The frabrics on this photo I was so luckey to win. And I got a lot of thread.... Cosmo Marble Thread and Cottage Garden Thread. It is so fun to be able to try the thread I have seen on blogs.
Cottage Garden Thread you can get from Quiltegården and
Cosmo thread from Katrines Quiltestue.I love to stitch with the both of them .

I even got me some new fabrics, and a kit. I fell in love with this little quilt the first day. It is 12 little houses around one a littel bigger.You can find a photo
I got an idea what to make from some of this fabrics, and hope to show you soon . The rest of the fabrics are just because..... But I realy need them ;-)
When thinking back to this trip I had some bitter-sweet experiences, but now it is time just to look forward and forget....With some of my closest and dearest friends I have started to save money for the next Quilt Annual Meeting. It will be in
Tromsø, a town up in the north of Norway. I have never been there before so it will be a great opportunity to see more of Norway.
Untill next time take care of your friends and yourself ;-)