I'm focus on Christmas gifts and SCSS gifts this days. My SCSS items are almost done,less than one hour work left to do... I have also manage to do some small items "just because"This is my new Angel-pillow." Myke puteengler" a AnnAKa pattern ( soft pillow angles) I love the pattern so I had to give it a try.It suit beside my old Snowman pillow.Just need some snow outside now, then there will be Christmas feeling in my house.

I still play with my selvages... here are three small purses from leftovers...Two for Christmasgift and one for me ... :-)

I got a new Mollie makes magasine in my hand last time I was in Oslo. This time there where a kit for making buttons.Cute buttons..

Here are a close photo... Wonder when I shall use them:-)

I have also made me a new tablerunner. Another AnnAKa pattern. This time from a Norwegian quilt magasine. Quiltemagasinet.
But now I'm off to make more Christmas gifts - I have a lot of bindings infront of me..