I can't belive how the days run -Januay done and almost February too.... Yes I have been busy,and had a lot of fun with the girls and the kids, but I have manage to do some stitching..
I have done this little stitchery by Melly and Me called Lemonade. Looking at it I wish summer will hurry up.I want sun and blue sky...:-)

I have also manage to play a little with my Go Baby... Magda helped me to make this Quilt,from Abyquilts leftovers and an old curtain. The goal was to use what I got in my piles. So now I got me a new Quilt for free. If I got it in my house it is free :-)

When I have been home and away lately I have been working on this jacket for Emma. My next project are one for Peder too - but I also have some serious plans to play a lot with Magda.There are some fabrics crying for me together with some new pattern... :-)
So untill next time -take care and be clever :-))