To day I'm going to show you the mother-quilt of my leftovers.As some of you maybe can see it it is made of Art to Hart fabrics.I just love the angel's and stars.And in this quilt I put them together. It was when I made the stars I got the leftovers.

And here it is: the little one. I have not finish it yet, but I think you want to have a little look.I think I'm gonna have some stitching and some buttons on it. I will try to work on it before and after work. I'm going to work tomorrow. And I exspect May Britt to come and drink a cup coffe with me. :-)

I don't only make little quilts. This are one I have in my living-room. It is made of Thimbleberry fabrics and are made on my sewing machine. But I have hand quiltet it.I'm a bit proud of it. I think it are more of a proper quilt, not the one I'm playing with.:-)

Yesterday I sat in my backyard and suddenly I understand I live in a "hopefull" world. In Norway we have a saying :Håpet er lysegrønnt. It meens somting like this: the hope are light green. And every thing in my garden was verry green. I just love to live where the year looks diffrent in summer.winter,spring and fall.I hope I can show you pieces from my world. And love to see how your year are in your corner of our world.

At last I will show you a photo of Trysil by night. I took it in the middle of the night.The clock are just before 24.oo I 'm standing on the bridge from the pickture with snow. I¨m walking home from a lovley meeting with one of my quilting grups. We had a lovley evening.Here in Norway the nights are not dark and the sun get up almost before I go to sleep.
Now I think I'm going to say godby fore to day.....And remember don't sleep away the summernights.....when ever you got them. :-)