Some weel ago I got mail from my friend Irene. She had taken a photo of a little owl. (spurv ugle)
It is not usual to get visit from owl's in brigth day ligth, but this little fellow hunt by day time. Irene was sooo happy about the visit, untill she looked closer on the photo and notice what it was doing.... It was eating a bullfinch...Then the owl was not such a great visit at the birdhouse any more....

Some days ago I suddenly heard a "bump" in my window. When I went to see what it was I saw a realy happy titmouse.It was hiding in the rose-bush and seemd VERY happy. ;-)

Because in a bush close by I saw "the bumper" - a little owl. When I knock on the window it gave me a "I hate you"-look. :-) I don't think he feel as happy as me and titmouse ,about not getting any dinner.

I wonder if there has been owl out in the garden before? I can't find no other explanation why Jacob are hiding like this on the sofa. It seems as it has been in a hurry and he even try to hide under a towel.
It is not easy to be a little bird.

I have done block two of the BOM from the Book club.Look how sweet all the animals are. Every one has got a sweetheart.

My first Chalenge of the month are done. A miniature from years ago. I made it from a magnet my oldest daugther bought on a vacation. The cats are looking at the moon and havin g a great time....

Last week I got the last parcel from the
Christmas club 2008.This kit from
Leannes House. I think this will be so nice to decorate for Christmas with. I realy hope the Team at Honeysuckle Cottage are doing a club like this some other year. I got a lot of great kits. ;-)

The last weeks I got a lot of new books. Some in mail and some buying at
Quiltegården when I was in Trondheim last week. So now I got more to read and dream to make.....
I have a lot of UFO's to finish , so I don't need more,but it seem as when one are done there are some strange thing happen.... I got at least two more... Wonder what happen next- my Noah's Ark are almost done.....
Any way- have a great week. I will sit in the snowy weather and do UFO's
Hugs :-)
Hello, dear Laïla ! Nice to read your post ;>)
Strange indeed that owl in your garden, but here we say it's a lucky sign. And Jacob is so funny, hiding like this, poor little thing ;>)
Nice job you did, too! And I just LOVE that Leanne's House X-mas stitchery kit you got in the mail, so cute ! (love birds).
Speaking of birds and stitcheries, I have started the "Verandah Views" free BOM. Cute, too, with a fresh spring look. I guess you know it. If not, there's a logo on my sidebar, you just click on it....
Well, have a very nice Sunday evening, dear friend !
(((HUGS))) & smiles to you ;>)
Laila your birdhouse piccies look like they're straight out of a story book, so pretty!! I think I'd be chasing Mr Owl away though!!
Your BOM is coming along so nicely - the stitcheries are just gorgeous, love them. So nice to see a piccy of Jacob too, I reckon he'd keep me entertained for ages, he's looks adorable hiding under the towel :o).
Joy :o)
You still have a lot of snow! Do you think it will be gone when I come in April?
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