My days has been busy, but I have manage to do a lot stitchey while there are vistiors in our home. At last Two brown Chickens are done... Just in time, I have seen another great stitchery from
Leanne in the next
Homespun....Realy somthing I have to do...
I have also dona a little Angel stitchery..I found a great blog where it was coloured stitcherys... So I have to try that way.. LOL And my two little houses from NQT in Gøteborg are done..

And at last I have done a little bear stitchery.. PUH... I feel clever this month..

A few weeks ago we celebrate Emmas baptism . Aren't she cute in her dress? My mother made it from her mothers bridal veil.She must be Emmas great great grandmother... The dress was made for
Nemo, 28 years ago,but the Bridal veil was used in 1930... Emma was born 105 years after her g-g-grandmother.. 31 Mars... ;-)

I have been a part of
Pincushions Summer Swap.... thanks Sandra for hosting this swap... Look what I got.. A beautiful hen , great needels ,ribbon and a thimble fron Tasmania. Thank you
Jo for all the great items- I love them all...

Jacob has enjoyed all our visitors...I don't know if everybody enjoy him so mutch- but anyway my brother and his two boys was staying for a week.. Jacob wanted to stay with my brother all the time, so her he are on top of his head..

Jacob has also been visiting my parents at their cabbin...Here he are looking out on the sea wondering if there are any swan to see.....

I have been taking a walk to
Lapphøna begging for some coffe.. LOL Her you can see some of her luckey hens - Two brown ( and one black) Chickens in her garden...
I have got a new Camera... It is sooooo fun to play with, but I have a lot to learn. I think it takes great photos -particular impressed of this close up photos..This bumblebee almost looks sweet...

And these blue flowers are realy tiny... I think I have to play a lot more with the camera learning how to use it...

Before I say good nigth I must show you how it is outside just now... It is one o'clock in the middle of the nigth and it is almost dayligth...
Have a great weekend ,I will be back soon... I hope..