Friday, October 02, 2009

A little glimse from last weekend


Here are a little glimse from the class last weekend. This is a little bit of what the TV will show.. I realy hop they are going to show a lot more, after all the work the team do...

Enjoy and wish you had been with us ;-)


Dolores said...

Thank you, that was wonderful - even without sound (I don't have the speakers hooked up.) I probably wouldn't have understood it anyway.

Anne Heidi said...

Takk for linken du sendte meg i går :-) Du hadde rett, jeg satt nok utsatt til.... uffameg.
Ha en strålende helg!

Tingelingeling said...

Såå morsomt å se!! En skikkelig vitamininsprøytning! Ha ei fin uke!!