Tuesday, August 22, 2017

From the Festival of Quilts 2017

I have been at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham and it was as great as every year I have been visiting the festival. Lots og items to buy,lot of new and old friends and a lot of great Quilts.I went with Nemo and one more friend ( no blog) it was their first visit. Nemo show a lot of beautifull Quilts at her blog,so go to her blog :Made by Nemo and have a look. 
Here are some of my favorites,those who are diffrent from her choise. 
Have a look and enjoy. 
Thank you to all Quilt Angels
      Constanze Bötel,Germany
Katherine Jones, Australia.

Every Thought A Question.
Linda Kemshall. 
One of the Through Our Hands grup.
Self Portrait in Third Person.
Annabell Rainbow.
Member of Through Our Hands grup.

Rainbow Rose 
Ruth Bourke, Tomomi McElwee
Marjolein Peters.
The Netherlands
Kathleen Moore.
Parrot Ara
Bara Bartosova 

The last quilt are : Not Invisible.
Susan Chapman.

(This quilt show how I feel after spending four days looking ,buying and talking at the great festival.) 


Chookyblue...... said...

Beatiful quilts thanks for sharing......

Julie Fukuda said...

Quite a variety of eye candy. Must have been great to see them all in person.