This weekend has been so busy and sooo great.
Nemo has been at home,there has Trysil
Utvandrer Stevne and I have been in a wedding.So to day I feel a little tired, but I have prepare for my next visitors. My brother and his boys are comming from France to night.So this week will be a great family week.
Above you can see a photo from the wedding. The new married couple are going on a little trip with a horse-cart.It was a lovely wedding.

Nemo had some great job done this weekend. She had to try my new sewing area basting a kit she got with my brother from USA. She also had more done, but I think she will tell about it on her blog. So I will keep it a secret....

I manage to do the binding of this little table runner, made of fabrics I bought on the NQF meeting this spring at Olavs gård.

On friday I meet some great Quilting ladies from USA.They where at Trysil Stevnet. I have been so luckey to get mail from three of them. They found my blog seeking for Trysil.Here we are standing in front of a great quilt they had made. All the people from Amerika had theirs signature on it. What a great gift! The girls are: Gloria Lundblad and Carolyn Omland Loken,both from Alexandria, Minnesota. Me, Nemo,Synøve from Trysil,Tulla from South Haven, Minnsota. It is Gloria and Carolyn who has made the great quilt. Thanks to Gloria I have got all the name put in order. ( Thank you Gloria)

Nemo and I was so luckey to get Ivy and Tulla on a short visit.They had a realy full program. It was so great to had some time to talk and getting to know them a little. I realy hope we will be able to have more fun together by mail. Thanks for spending some time with us!

I even got pressents...Fabrics from Minnesota from Tulla. The name of the fabrics are one of my dreams....Minnesota Shophop. (Nemo has told me of the shops she has been visiting when she have been in Bemidji.) From Ivy my Quilt club got fabrics from Texas , with the state Flower, Bluebonnets on. This is my part of the fabric, and I know what to do of it..... I even got a thimble from Gloria. It are from the
Runestone Museum in Alexandria. A new dream to visit the museum. Thank you girls you are so great :-)

On sunday, the last day of the Stevne there was a lot happening on our local Museum,
Solbakken.As it was the end of Trysil Stevnet the museum was trying to show how it almost had been when peoples started to emigrate to Amerika.It was a lot of "old" food ans showing how they use to make for instanse fabrics and knitting wool and so on. Nemo has meet a friend of us. She has her Trysil Bunad on. (Trysils national costume) Elegant I think.

Ta the end I want to show you some great photos nearly from the past...Here are a lady who are calling ( lokke) the herd home.

These couple has been cutting the gras and made it ready to go to the barn....

She are knitting of home made yarn. Look at her shoes. They are made of Birch bark. Warm, but not quite comfort to wear.

At last the lady with the Spinning Wheel. Thanks to all the ladies in the past, we learn to make thread so we could make make yarn and fabrics.... What on earth would we do without them ...... ;-)
Now I have some fun work to do.... I got my partners from Chookyblues SCCS 2008 and the Stitchers Angel Swap. They are............. Oh , no I'm not telling.
Have fun and take care.....