To day I got a parcel from a unknown friend
.Sarah from Memphis made this great Norwegian flag for me.I was her partner in the
Miniature Booty Swap hosted by
Toni. I love Swaping. Getting to know new peoples, reading theyr blogs and to decide what to make. So thank you both Sarah and Toni.

Sarah even give this to me....Some goodis named Goo Goo Supreme ( can wait to taste them) ,a postcard from Memphis (Wonder if she has seen Elvis...Hm ..) and great fabrics. She realy spoil me. And I love it all. She wrote a long letter to me, tellng me she had been on my blog, but not sayd Hello. I hope she will be back again. I will on her blog.. ;-)

I'm a member of Pincushion of the Month club and
Sarah asked us to show how it looks where we lived.She asked for a photo out of our front door. This is what I saw the other day, My husband has borrowed a little steam shovel and are digging out from our garage.He are going to make a concrete floor. So my front yard are nothing to show new guests who deliver Pincushion kits these days. But it will be great he tells me...... And I belive him. :-)

So Sarah I show you the view from the bridge you have to walk when you come to visit me. Oh I would have loved it, a visit from new friends....
Untill you show up, any one who needs coffe and are a quilting lady, have a great time. I will keep a close eye on the mailbox looking fore my first
Pincushion Kit.....I will show it when it arrives.
Well of course I had to come back to see that the quilt made it to Norway safely. And I will keep coming back because I like seeing your quilts, your animals and pictures of the beautiful part of the world in which you live.
I'm glad you like the stuff!
Lovely to see the view from the bridge. To think that I walked over the bridge myself! Seeing the view brought back wonderful memories of our time together.
HEI og takk for sist! Hyggelig å treffe deg i butikken! Jeg har hatt en pause fra blogg og slikt, men nå er det vel på tide å komme i siget igjen! Jeg er utrolig imponert over dine prosjekter både med nål og tråd og sosiale treff!! Du er makalaus! Ha en flott høst! klæmma fra meg.
Your flag is beautiful, I am so proud of my flag I got from Hedgehog. I think it is so nice if someone makes your flag just for you.
What a gorgeous part of the world you live in!
Thanks for your welcoming words on our blog earlier today, which has lead me to your lovely blog also.
See you around in blogland.
It seems you ladies in Norway always have beautiful views! I really enjoy the pictures. :-)
Swaps really are fun- like Christmas in the mail!
Hi, Laila! Wer'e just back from holiday...great to be online again and catching up with friends :o) Such treats--love the Norwegian flag! ;o) What a great view you have...looks so lovely there! See you here again soon...once the jet lag has worn off--LOL! Happy Day ((HUGS))
That was a beautiful gift from Sarah.... A lovely flag.....
Hallo Laila! Håper dagen har vørt fin! Har sendt svar til Vigdis, tror det gikk greit.Du tar så mange fine bilder, skriv litt hver dag da vel? Du har vel ikke noe annet og gjøre!!!!!! Ha en fortsatt fin helg, klem fra Tone
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