I'm still travel about visiting Quilt shops. Last week I was in Oslo and Tynset.I have been visiting
Lappemor for my first time, but certain not my last visit.A great shop in the montain.It was so fun to visit Anne Heidi in her great shop.

We had some hard time to figure what to buy(the hard thing was to deside what not to buy).There are so many difrent designs we all want to make.Here are Lisbeth and
Vigdis trying to make up their minds.Fore me, I realy had a hard time. There was a lot of stuf I wanted....

After a great time in the store, we had to take a walk in the area... Lisbeth got her self a guy,a realy big one.(He are a
Troll from Tynset.)It seems they have a lovely time.Wonder what they are up to?

Tynset are also known because of this huge
Kicksled (Spark in Norwegian) I don't know if it belong to the Troll. ( can you imagine Lisbeth and him on a tour in the winter with lots of snow and a full moon??) LoL

When we drove from Tynset we drove by Tolga and I had to take this photo to show the great view.I took a lot of photos to show you.

Here are what I bought from Lappemor. Some medium Rick Rack, Witch buttons and some great fabrics. I got one fabrics with Steam Shovels ; to make a pillow for my husbond,some with beautifull flowers on and some I realy need. Fabrics with UFO's and Ufo-men on. I have a lot of UFO's so now I'm thinking of making me a UFO-bag....... :-) I also found a new hand quilting thread in a another store. I also got myself a new thimble. With Troll on.

Earlier last week I was a short trip to Oslo. I was able to make a quick visit to Panduro and manage to grab this. More Rick Rack, some new Tilda fabrics and tin,some small hearts and great handkerchief with Parrot on.

I got great mail yesterday from my mom. A lovely fabrics( I know what to make from it ) and a new pattern by
Leanne . I have started to make the Couch Companion to day.... ;-)

Last week I made this little bag after an idea I saw on a blog..... But I don't remember where... May be I visit too many. The scissors keeper are from
Lynette's design to the
Stitching Angels . It is so fun to be a part of this swap. I know my angel have mailed me my parsel. I'm working on the things I want to post to my secred friend....
On the end of this post I have some fall photos from our trip to Tynset I want to show you. I want you just to watch and enjoy the nature from my little part of this world.
Untill next time have some great days. Hugs.
Photos from our trip :-)

Det var en ting jeg glemte! Ikke lag den UFO-posen for stor;-)NATTA, fra Tone
Takk for en kjempefin tur til Tynset. Godt at vi fikk kjøpt oss flere prosjekter ;)
Great buyings. Making a UFO bag..........wonderful.........but I think you have to make MANY ufo-bags to store all your UFO's LOL LOL
Oh I love the idea of UFO fabric for a UFO bag - lol ! Very clever of you to think of that - perhaps you will start a trend.
That was a fantastic trip, thank you so much.
Wonderful photos...and what a grand time you had :o) Thanks for sharing! Happy Days ((HUGS))
It sounds like a great trip - thanks for taking us along. I just love that troll. The bag is really pretty. A UFO bag would be very fitting!
Thanks for taking us on the journey, the photos were great and I can see your friend Lisbeth and the troll of sightseeing.
Hello there, It was fun having you at the shop, I see you did some sight seeing as well. Thanks for sharing your pictures!
WOW!!! Thank you so much for the "trip"! I love the steamshovel fab. for your hub!! quilted blessings! Hugs! kari
love all your pics the shopping the sites and scenery.......lovely to get to Anne Heidi's shop.....
Ååå så lurt!!
Jeg har vel mest bruk for en sekk..
Så nært dere var da! Neste gang kan dere fortsett litt til..Ja det er jo en bit, men jeg har senger og dyner! Faktisk et hus som venter. Ha ei flott uke og hils masse til Lisbeth!
Hej på Er lapphexor! Roligt att få se Era sidor!!!Leja från Swerige
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