I have started to make blocks for my Polka Dot Girls quilt made by Red Brolly. I started to make it as a BOM from Katrines Quiltestue several years ago, but like a lot it had turned out to be a WISP... Wonder why that happen...
But some weels ago a friend of me told she had started to make the PDG-quilt,and we desided to make one block a month....This is my january block. It is block 4. My friend (no blogger) does the quilt in Japanese fabrics.I hope she will allow me to show her blocks sometimes. They are so great...
I have become a member of Polka-Dot Girls Stitchery Group also. So now I REALY have to make the whole quilt.Here I have seen some lovely blocks. I wonder if there are more ladies in Norway who has PDG as a Wisp ? I can't remember to have see the quilt on any blog yet....
This week are going to be another busy week. To morrow I'm going to Oslo and meet my two girls, and yes I'm going to visti Katrines..... I hope she has got somthing new to show me... I will also visit panduro also, they have the new book from Tilda... I think I need that...
On thursday there are a meeting in Elverum Quiltelag so I have a day to meet my friends there. I don't see them so often these days as I don't work in Elverum any more.So I have a lot to catch up....
Untill next time have some great quilt days.
Have fun with your friends... ;-)
Love your Polka Dot Girls!! :o)
Your blocks are gorgeous!! I've got those patterns too, one day I'd love to get around to making that quilt :o).
Joy :O)
Å så flott teppe du har laget:-) De veskene var tøffe med mange deltaljer:-)
Ha en fin og kreativ uke:-))
That's one of my favorite quilts. Your blocks are wonderful.
wow you have done so much sewing since I last visited..........must be all that cold weather.......
Your PDG are soooo cute (I'm part of the Group, as well, but sooooo late in making it!). LOVE your bags also. What intrigues me are those lovely flowers (8 petals pieced together) on your sewing table. What are these ? (I'm sooo curious! HeeHee...)
ufoer kan være til glede av og til. En trenger bare et spark bak. PDG er kjempefine. De stitcheriene er så koselige. De veskene er de nåleputer? Kom aldri så langt at jeg meldte meg på. Nå er det for sent tror jeg. Hadde egent. ment meg en tur til deg i morra, men ombestemte meg. og det var jo bra siden du har dratt bort. Tar en tur siden. Sees på torsdag. Klem.
hei Laila!
Kikker innom bloggen din av og til. Så flink du har vært på nyåret.
Ja ja du har vel plenty av tid
The PDG are so cute, how many blocks are there?
Lots of lovely projects! You are always so busy!!
Så fiiiine nåleputer. Er egentlig litt misunnelig på dem ;)
Hei namnsøster
Eg er av dei som er jamnt innom hjå deg og blir inspirert. Eg har lært at vil du ho noko gjort, be den som allereie arbeider. Serder deg ei fotoutfordring, og gler meg til å følga deg vidare.
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