May I introduce the new member in our family...
Nemo's little boy- no name yet- born the 10 of April. Exacitly just the rigth size ;-)
I'm so happy both my grand children lives close to each other so I can vistit them at the same time.
It is hard to think how fast the babies grew up, it is only a year since Emma was this little... and look at her now...

Here she are - one year big and ready to learn her little cousin all the fun stuff she are doing.....

I have been able to do some sew stuff lately too, I got a challenge from
Kjerstin to finish my
Veranda View. So at last it is out of the dark in my UFO pile and ready to be hung on the wall.

I hav also done this little quilt, ok - almost done. I have to stitch the name of the boy as soon as I got it... LOL. The other photos are my two daugthers and Emma. It is some of the first photos I got of them all. The hearts on the little quilt are from a block exchange I have been a part of for two years now. Last year we made Friendship stars, and this year hearts. We where 8 ladies and last week 7 of us meet and had a show and tell... Realy funny to see how diffrent we used our hearts a lot of great work.
Just take a look at the photos...

Next year it is
Lapphøna and I who will arrange the swop...
I will be so fun to meet all the girs again , we only meet once a year . So to the girls- it will be fun to see you again next year here in Trysil. ;-)
Untill next time - have fun and tacke care.... I will keep a close eye on my mail box. I know there are some great stuff on the way from Australia....
Gratulerer med 2 flotte barnebarn :)
Og jammen ble det mange fine hjerteprosjekter. Vi må begynne å tenke og finne på noe "lurt" til neste år
Congratulations! I just love being a grandma! Hugs! :)
Congratulations on your new grandson! He looks wide-eyed and ready to go :)
Nydelig lite BB,gratulerer så masse ;-)
Mange fine hjerteprosjekter;gøy å være med på noe felles.
Ja,det er spennende å vente på full postkasse.Men nå tar vel alt dobbelt så lang tid grunnet asken.
Happy Quilting!
Congratulations from Minnesota on the new grandson. I have been waiting and wondering if the baby had arrived yet.
I wish the very best to the whole family. Gloria
Gratulerer så mye med "småtten"! Det er sant at de vokser fort opp, og så blir de så fort "store" når det kommer flere etterpå.... :o)
Gratulerer så mye med barnebarnet. Godt å se at alt gikk bra. Kos deg masse med begge to
he is gorgeous........congrats Granny and Nemo.......so wonderful to be able to spend time with your grandchildren........
Congratulations Granny!! :) He looks so sweet!! And yes, they do grow up so quickly! I bet that they'll be great mates though! :)
Endelig bilde. Han er grom ja. Vi har lagd fine tepper ja. Dette med bloggen min var et hint skjønner jeg, he he
I love your heart quilt. Congratulations on your little boy.
Hei Laila !
Du er heldig som har fått to fine barnebarn ! Og tenk at Emma allerede har blitt 1 år. Tiden flyr avsted. Og du er like flittig med nål og tråd :-)
Klem fra Grethe
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