I have been a slow blogger latly... butit is not just me, when I tryed to blog -blogline wasdown..may be wegot spring-relaxedbothofus :-)) Butnowatlast I have a lot to show. Firsttheresultfromtheblockexchange.. Here are mine. I made a lapquiltafter an ideafrom an old Quiltmaniamagazine. (nov/des 2009) Randi made more stars and got a beautifulllittlequilt... Brita made a greatquiltwith a gostblockinthemiddle.... Kjerstinmadeherself a lovelytablerunner... Vigdisalsomade a tablerunner. Itsuitperfecton her table ... Tone made a longtablerunner. A greatidea for the party table. It is sofun to seehow different all theitems turned out. Nowit is Kjerstin who are organizethechallengein 2012 Itwill be fun to seewhatblockshewantus to do :-) Thiswintermybirdhouse has beenaway for a renovation. Thisweek I gotit back- and itlookssoooogreat. Nowcanthebirdsgettheirseed and theSquirrels a place for a nap. :-) A bigthankyou to thecabinet maker Jan. At last I want to show youmy Svennebrev ( craftcertificate) a patternfromLappemakeriet. All done inDebbieMummfabrics. I manage atlast to start usethem. Guesswhofeelgreat :-) Thiswill be my summer quilt, I usesilkbatting, for thefirst time , but not the last... Beautifull to workwith. I onlyuse DM fabricsonthe back ofthequilttoo.I hope theywillgivemesweetdreams...
Now I got more ideasofwhat to make for the rest ofthe DM fabrics... Hope to start soon, somay be next time there are more to show... Untill then have a great time. Hugs :-)
Jeg er målløs! Så mye vakkkert, og svennbrevet ble jo helt supert! Jeg er ennå i sjokk over at det er cm, og tror ikke jeg kommer helt i gang uten at jeg gjør en vri.. Ha det fint så lenge! Er spent på neste innlegg!
Maybe you didn't post for a while but you have not been resting diring that time. Your work is lovely. Thanks for showing your friends' work too. Quite a variety from one idea!
Jeg er målløs!
Så mye vakkkert, og svennbrevet ble jo helt supert!
Jeg er ennå i sjokk over at det er cm, og tror ikke jeg kommer helt i gang uten at jeg gjør en vri..
Ha det fint så lenge! Er spent på neste innlegg!
Maybe you didn't post for a while but you have not been resting diring that time. Your work is lovely. Thanks for showing your friends' work too. Quite a variety from one idea!
Quilten din ble kjempefin, med alle DM stoffene :-)
Så mange nydelige quilter dine venner også har laga! Svennebre-quilten din er nydelig!
Ønsker deg en fortsatt flott søndag,
Is the silk batting more expensive than other batting? Your star quilt is great.
My goodness! So many nice things to show. I love all the variations of the star blocks. :-)
Så flott som den ble da:) Og nesten like fin bakside!
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