I spend some days in Oslo after Easter- beautifull sunny days- almost summer. Look at these trees. I don't know the name- but they was soo great after a long and cold winter. I love the pink tree...

And this.. a great withe tree. I had to try to get a close look at the beautifull flowers... April here in south part of Norway has been the warmest in a long time... But easy come ...

easy goes... This is how was in my garden this morning :-( I won't have more snow now I want summer ... But it went to a great sewing day. I have spend most of the day in my sewing room.. And yes I have a lot on my mind and on my Want To Do list...

I have manage to do one little finish.. the second of the Pincushions from the Make and Bake club by
Busyfingers... Sweet and useful. It is English Paper Pieced... I didn't belive I would enjoy making PP this mutch...

I realy have a lot going on with Paper.... Flowers for the Hexagon quilt from
Vignette - Snippespekulasjoner from
Lappemakeriet -a little Octagon quilt ( just because..) -
It Takes Two by Sue Daley...Guess if I love the Glue pen from Sewline :-) I went to the lecture by Sue Daley at
Katrines Quiltestue. And learn a lot about how to work with PP , a lot of tip and new ways to do PP :-)

I have been knitting a little lately - bad influence by
Nemo :-) she has been knitting cloths for dishes. I as so luckey to get one - but I had to start making more. It is so fun to play with all the great colours..

Talking about playing... At last I have started to play with all my
Debbie Mumm fabrics, I got a lot, thanks to Anne- Kjerstin, Hanne, Bjørg, May Britt , Irene and Tonje..and I love every inch of them.. (The fabrics that is...)Isn't this a lovely pile a lot of sweet memories and some who are new to me... Thank you Girls :-) you are so kind and sweet :-)

I have started to make "
Svennebrev" (craft certificate) a great block quilt by Lappemakeriet.(This quilt on the photo are made by
Hanne:-) ) I have made these 9 blocks so fare, but hope to make the whole quilt fast... It is so fun to use Magda ( my sewing machine) again.. Great girl she are :-))

To tell a secret.. I got one more finish this month.. but I can't show it yet. It is a block swap. Once a year 8 ladies swap blocks and make what we want from them, then we all meet one evening and have a show and tell... To morrow is this years great happening... I hardly can wait and see what the other ladies has made.... mine are.... Oh Now - you have to wait untill next time , then I will show you..
I have a lot going on for the rest of this week - a lot of happenings including Quilt ladies. Tell you more next time ... soon I hope. Untill then take care and happy stitching :-)
Bra det er flere som har begynt med blogging igjen;) Lykke til med alle prosjektene. Snakkes;)
I love paper piecing also. I am making Sue's red and white quilt you would have seen it in her trunk show. I think of you often as I use your lovely bag to hold all my bits and pieces.
Hang in there, spring is on the way. It seems you are getting a lot done anyway.
Å du verden her har du MYE fint!
Mangnolia treet er vakkert, Blomstrer på bare grener,før bladene kommer:-)
Gleder meg til å følge med prosjektene,it takes two med lekre farger,spesielt!
Ja,nå måååå det være slutt på minus grader og sne,Vi trenger vår,
Happy Sewing to you!!
Ser ut som du har mye spennende på gang her nå. Du får si fra dersom du trenger mere Debbie Mumm... har visst noen liggende heromkring jeg også
Looks like you've got LOTS going on there, Laila!! Good on you!! Ohh, a class with Sue Daley would have been awesome!
We had snow on the 1st of May and then it must have gone over to you :)
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