I'm still focused at all my UFO's. The more I do the more forgotten UFO's get out into the dayligth.. One who suddenly came out from the darkness only miss some leaf on the last block. I realy wonder why I didn't finish it... But now it is the next to be done... I just have to finish this pink girlish quilt... The top are done, I have to make the back ...

I have dig deep into my fabrick pile to find crazy girlish fabrics to make the backing... Still wondering why I realy bought these fabrics... But now I will use them. At last :-)

Yes I'm still focus on A Kittens Tale.. Almost done, I have desided not to do the two last blocks. I need a new quilt on the wall over my sofa.Leannes House need a rest , and Down in my Garden are still a UFO, and going to be one for a long time yet... I hope to start with the oldest UFO's and work me up to the newest...
To morrow I'm going on a Quilt Shop trip. I need only fabrics for the border on A K T and batting , but knowing my self I'm sure I manage to find something I don't know I need...
Wonder what that will be.....
I will show you next time.. Happy UFO hunting to you all, Hugs :-)
Enda flere flotte tepper :)) Blir spennende å se om vi finner noe "må ha" på lappetur imorra :))
Good for you to make UFOs your focus. Too often we forget things we have started and then, for some reason, put away.
Flink du er som fullfører UFOer:-)
How nicely you are finishing those projects! Good for you!!! I love those cats.
Love your girlish quilt. Will be perfect to cuddle under in wintertime watching CSI :)
And good luck on your trip today. I know you will find A LOT of fabrics to bring home :)
Hurra for at du gjør ferding noen ufoer. Har store planer jeg også. Din aK`sT ser så fin ut;jeg er maks glad i min!
Pink girlish quilt ser spennende ut,flotte stoff:-)
Så flittig du er og det midt på sommeren. Teppene ble nydelige. A Kitten Tale klarer seg godt slik du har laget den. Jeg er gått inn i sommermodus.....
Ha en fin dag!
Liala what lovely UFO's you have....good on you...
Ser virkelig ut som du får ryddet i skuffer og skap! Toppen på Pink Girlish ble kjempefin! Håper du finner det perfekte bakstykket/-ene. Og med det tempoet du har sydd i det siste er du vel ferdig med A Kitten's Tale? ;-)
I love those fabrics you are going to use for the backing :)
Härligt jobbat Laila..önskar jag hade ditt focus!!!!
Glad sommar!!!
Que maravilla, son unos trabajos sensacionales!!!!!!
Wow you have chosen such a fun way to put you Breast of Friends quit together. I like you My Garden quilt too, are you doing Lynette Anderson's Christmas Fun?
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