This last days has been a time for a lot of thinking about life and dead and happiness and sorrow.I'm so luckey that all from my family stayd safe after all the awful happening in Oslo and Utøya. I feel so blessed,but feel so mutch sorrow for who lost someone. In times like this it is great to have some "not-have-to-think"-work to do.So I does PP and bindings.All my "Snippe-spekulasjoner" blocks are done. Approved by Cyan.

My Calendar Cat Quilt are also done.. It turned out to be a Winter quilt with thick Norwegian wool batting.. So now I'm prepare for cold winter weather, but I need summer first...

This is what I hope to get done soon. Some of them are done-- The Cat quilt .... and a little table runner.... and almost the Girlish quilt...

Here are the table runner,my own idea. The blocks are made from a gift I got, on the last fair we went too, when I work at Little stasjon. So this are a little memory quilt. The small stitchery houses are from a Japanese book. The Runner bring back a lot of great memories.
But now it is back to my bindings.
Have great and safe days untill next time.
Big hugs to you all and stay safe :-)
An extra hug to you who have someone missing or lost during this horrible days.
Ja mange av oss har mye å være glad for!
Flotte quilt du har fått ferdig :o)
I thought of you often as the news unfolded on the TV. What a sad thing to happen in such a peaceful place!
Your finishes are coming along nicely. I love your choice of such soft peaceful colors.
Yes it has been a lot of "not-have-to-think"sewing over here too. Now we have to take back our lives slowly.
I still have 4 blocks to make before I am ajour.....but will do it this weekend :)
I have been thinking a lot about you our friends in Norway the past days. Do you have a special Norwegian batting?
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