The last week I have been busy playing with flowers and stars - and stated to stitch again after a -for me- long break. I have manage to do this months callenge with the Christmas fabrics Vigdis and I got from
Lappemor. Stars of course and I used the leftovers for a little table mat. So now I can just relax and wait for the next mailing... :-)

I have also made a little tablerunner from left overs I got from my mum... More flowers. Fun and easy to make -
Vigdis has borrowed the pattern,and I can't remember who made it. But it is Norwegian.

Yesterday I got some real flowers - aren't they beautifull :-)They are on my table and brighten my day, and I need to remember the summer who never came... Now it is dark outside early in the evening and cold. Just now it is about - 2 degrees outside. Brrrrr it will soon be snow and winter.

Back to my flowers and stars- here are more of what I'm playing with during my days... I have some stitcherys done to match my stars and the flowers are almost done... The last project I just had to try was to make stitcherys with Magda ( my sewing machine) and it worked out fine.. fine for me that is - as the first attempt...
So now I hope to have a lot more to show you soon... I will have a sewing week in front of me- before I'm of to have some fun with Emma and Peder ....
Have a great week end. Hope to see you soon :-)