Meet my new little friend. I just had to try to do this little guy, he was so funny and easy to make so I belive he will got more friends.Hmmm may be some small Christmas gifts??

The Ocktober challenge are also done :-) I love the fabrics with the flowers and the deers.So now
Lappemor we are ready for your next parcel....

All my stars are done to... It turned out to be "Annas lille veggteppe" ( Annas little wallquilt) Another great pattern from AnnAKa. I manage to do all of it just from my Japanese fabrics.And ther are still plenty left.... Hmmmm

This is the most beautifull outdoor bird I know here in Norway , a Bullfinch. There has been three of them living in my garden all through the summer. I took this photo some week ago when we got snow. The snow are gone for now, but it will be back... Sooner or later..
Untill it happen - have a great fall/spring.. :-))
The owl is so cute :) You have done a lot of finishes now, well done :)
Your finishes are all so lovely Laila
Oj så mye fint du har sydd og heklet da- den ugla er jo supertøff! (Tror kanskje du har ei tante som liker slike... ;-)
Og så fin løper du har sydd av juepakken- kommer ny om et par uker... bare å glede seg!
Anna's veggteppe ble nydelig- jeg har bare så vidt kommet i gang med mitt.... tror det blir et langtidsprosjekt- må jo ha noen slike også, ikke sant :-)
herlighet kor søt den ugla er.
Søt liten ugle!Og unikt bilde av dompapen og fuglehuset:-) Har du laget det selv,eller kjøpt pakke??
Anna lille vegg teppe er kjempefint; pakken min ligger i en eske(langtids prosjekt for meg også)!! Happy Quilting,Laila!
Så mange flotte ting du har fått laga! Ønsker deg en fortsatt kreativ uke :o)
I've been enjoying the winter photos on your blog. And all the pretty things you are making for Christmas are an inspiration. Your selvage items will be on my blog in a few minutes.
The Owls is so cute, I love it. Where did you fund the pattern? I wouls like to crochet them.
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