I know I'm still a lazy blogger.... but at last Magda and I have been playing.. Some one told me about some ladies who sew stitchery with their sewing machines, so I had to try it, and I manage to do it- or Magda did. So this table runner are all made by Magda. I belive I will try stitching with her again some time, there are only one problem - I can't stitch and watch TV :-)

My flower from last post has got finish too. It was the flowers for a cloth. I found the pattern on Debbie Mumms Facebook side. A sweet great, pink canser project.

There are diffrent animal life in my garden. This time it is the squirrel who says "Hello" and grab some Sunflower seed. The snow came and left again- so there are still fall and fog around here...

By the way I have found me a new "must have"magasine. Mollie makes are filled with new ideas and a lot to read.. And it come with kits :-) Look at this cute little porch I made from the latest number. Next number got buttons.. Guess who must have it...
I wish you could have seen my flor to nigth.. I got 4 tablerunnere lying on it...Some ready for binding ( not mine) and some ready to quilt (mine)To morrow I will have a quilt-day.. A lot to show you later... Did you notise I say Later - not soon :-D And I have some SSCS projects going on ..
So back to work.. see you later.
Great to see your progress! Perhaps I need to follow your example and get off my computer and busy quilting.
Jammen litt av ei dame a Magda. Fint broderer a også :))
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