I only wish I would have had more time to look in allthe great stores. I did't get some great photos so I hope you will take a look at the NQF blog -www.nqf.no/blogg/. You can enjoy the photos even if you cant read the sayings...
After the meeting some of us girls took the train back to Oslo.It was hevy wind and some snow, so the photos out from the trainwindow was not the best, but I hope you can see the cabins in the mountain.Ready to have some vistors for Easter-
m ready for Tønsberg and a class with Gail Pan and Helen Stubbings at Quilte fryd...
So there will be more to tell soon.
Untill then have fun with Easter bunnies and take care :-)
Nydelig quilt du har laget.
Jeg synes også det er moro å sy av jarkanter. Nå er lageret så stort at jeg ønsker å lage noe igjen. Vi får se. Spennende å følge med deg og se hva du vil lage av de nydelige stoffene og tilbør du har kjøpt.
Ha en riktig god helg!
Vakker er quilten du har håndsydd!
Flott Ipad av jarekanter;jeg har spart leeeenge så snart syr jeg noe,jeg også.Koste meg på NQF helgen i Bergen:-)
I LOVE the selvedge electronic cases!
Wow I love the little box quilt.
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