Sometimes I wonder why things went the way it does.....and now I wonder? I can't get my photos the way I want them to show. So now you get my day as a flashback....
This last week I have manage to finish some parts of stitchery quilts. We are some girls who are making this little Sun bonnets girls from Little quilts. Now October are done.And the mouse with scissors are the fourth part of Quiltmakers from the Freckles Collection. I also have started on The Wish Quilt after a pattern from Bronwyn Hayes.I got the pattern from Homespun. I have started on the last block of this quilt, so may be that are the reason blogger turn everything upside down to day?

To day I have got my self some great new thimbles.... I went to the big fair for used and old objects in the
Vikingskipet in Hamar.( It is where all the skating happen during the Olympic Games in 1994.) It was a lot of sellers and filled with peoples keen to get all the best buyings.As you can see I got my part of the fun. I even got me some old clothes-peg.....

Hope you can see how big this fair are...I took this photo when we arrived.During the day it were more peoples coming, so it became difficult to walk and look what they all had to offer..

This is realy the first photo I want to show.... The Vikingskipet....It looks as a boat lying upside down.....
This is all for the day... now I have turn all my watches one hour back- end of summer in Norway. I have to wrap up some gifts for my oldest daugther, I'm going to visit her to morrow. We are celebrating her birthday.
Have a great day and I hope it start and ends the rigth way.....Hugs
Håper du får en fin søndag med bursdag:-)
Er spent når prosjektene dine blir ferdig.
Ha ei fin og krativ uke:-)
Hilsen fra nord
Great thimbles. And love those cloths pegs.
Blogger is also turning my photos upside down the last days. So you have to think upsidedown too...LOL
Så moro på Vikingskipet! Kunne ønsket å se det selv men vi hadde noen på besøk...Så gøy! Ha en fortsatt fin helg :o) ((Klem))
The cloth pegs are great.
Hi laila. Love your finds from the fair- cute thimbles, and those clothes pegs are great! Hope your daughter had a happy birthday. Just wanted to let you know I have a new blog- www.pandanipatchwork.blogspot.com would love it if you stopped by for a look, love Marnie
Hallo. Så fine fingerbøll du fant. Tenkte meg dit jeg og, men helga ble litt slitsom...... Du er så produktiv, flink jente. Klem
G,Day Laila, We call those pegs Dolly Pegs and I think you can still buy them. I have a lovely one that is painted that I got from a craft fair, I will put it on my next post. Love the mouse with the scissors.
Your stitcheries are lovely. Looks like you have been very busy.
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