When I come home from work on thursday this wonderful surprise was waiting for me.... A parcel from
Joy. I was her
Stitching Angel, and now she realy was my. A lovely pouch with a
B H stitchery on, a tape measure in a little tin and two pattern. One from
Hugs'n Kisses and one of here own. ;-) The Ric Rac And Roses bag is a "must do" item. I'm going to Trondheim next weekend and it would have been so fun to have this new bag with me... Thank you Joy! I love your surprise.

This weekend I spend with great friend in a cabin not fare from my home. We did a lot of stitchery all of us, but i forgot to take photos..... I only have have a photo of the one I was working on.I hope to be abel to show you what the other was working on later. I started to make a little wall quilt from
Nothern Quilts. Called Augustbroderusk.I manage to do all the applique and to stitch all the sayings. So now I have to stitch all the small details.

Aase had her birthday on 31. so we all tryed to surprise her and bring a cake, and so did she as well. :-) so we realy got a lot of cakes. From the few photos I took inside the cabbin ,it seems the only thing we did was eating.

More food photo, here are we going to eat cheese and biscuits. ;-)

It was a lovely view from the porch. Trysil mountain in sunset. All the ligtning are one of the downhills in the ski area.

One more evening photo...

And one in day time....

I had to test my camera and take a photo looking at the sun. I feel it almost like easter.

We did not only eat.... belive it or not... we went for a walk in the beautifull sunny weather. Here you can see all the lovely team : Lisbeth, Aase, Anne Britt, Jørann, Inger and Sølvi. Thank you all for all the suport, hugs and laugther during this weekend. I realy needed it.
To all you others I have somting to tell.... The reason I have been a lazy blogger and not clever to reply all your comments on my blog lately is because I have to find me somthing else to do. The shop has been sold and there are no need for my co-worker, Irene , and me. I'm so happy to know there will be a quilt shop, but it is hard not to be a part of it. We have been so luckey get to know a lot of great quilting ladies and shop owners all over the world. And now at New Year it is the end of this part of our lifes.... I give the new owner all my best wishes and hope the great surroundings in the store are going to last.
Irene has been in her cabin with
May Britt and some other great friends too this weekend. Pop ower and take a look of there great work. ( I hope M B has bloged it)
Big hugs to you all :-)
We all had a great weekend. And friends are a good support in any time.
I am so sorry to read you have lost your job. Good to hear you hade a nice weekend.
Sorry for your lost job. Hope you find something new soon.In meen time enyou free time quilting if you can.
My thoughts are with you in these special times, dear friend. Even though I wish succes to the new shop owner, I know it will never be the same without you and Irene. I will always remember Lille Stasjon with you both inside, smiling at the countershop, having fun and drinking coffee all together... This was a beautiful chapter in your life-book.
However, a new page is now turning. A new chapter to write, and I'm absolutely convinced you won't regret it. You are very clever and creative, the world is yours! Don't look back, you go girl !
(and this is the same for Irene, will you read this comment to her, as well, please ?)
Så synd med butikken! Jeg foreslo for Lisbeth at dere kunne overta..Blir det ingen butikk lengre nå da????
Ei slik makalaus, attraktiv dame som deg er det helt klart muligheter for,jeg håper alle skjønner det!! Lykke til! Klem fra Tingeling
Så synd med butikken da! Men det blir helt sikkert nye muligheter, selv om jeg kommer til å savne deg der! Veldig!
Ser ut som dere hadde et veldig hyggelig treff!
Klem og lykke til videre!;-)
I am so sorry to hear this. I hope you will get a great new job.
I am sorry to read such sad news about your job. I hope you find something else thaat you like as much!
Det så ut som dere hadde det veldig trivelig på hytta. Tusen takk for kaffen jeg fikk, koselig å besøke dere.
Looks like you had a great time, the photos that you showed are so beautiful. I hope that I can come and visit one day.
Good luck with the job hunting, maybe you should start an online quit shop.
Herlig med hytteturer!!Koselig gjeng da;)!!Har en del jeg skulle ha gjort hjemme,- "do jåbbe får maj;)"Det kunne blitt artig!!Var som sagt i Oslo på tur, kjempekoselig. Det ble jammen handling også!!Ha en fin dag, klem fra Tone
Hallo igjen!! Har du sjekket bildet ditt på "været i dag". Det ser helt svart ut;) Åsså en ting til: Da jeg var på vikingskipet var det jammen tomt for fingerbøller:))))) Tulla! Ha en fin kveld, klem Tone
You have some very nice works in your blog. Congratulations!
Sorry to hear that you wont be part of an industry you love, When a door shuts a window opens, hope yours is in making crafty things Hugs Margaret
That looks like a great time in the cabin.
I'm blog-hopping my way through Chookyblue's SSCS list to see who else is playing.
Hi Laila,
good luck with your job hunting!!
Those cakes look divine, and your photos are really beautiful.
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