To nigth it is the last in 2008, to morrow it will be a lot of fireworks celebrate 2009.Realy a fresh start for me... Wonder what I will do, where will I work.... Will I have manage to finish a lot of my UFO's.....or have I made a lot of new quilts?? I have a lot of new patterns in my sewing-room. Thanks to all my great friends. I got these from Bjørg and
May Britt.... Great patterns to start a new year with... I love them ;-) I got the angels tin from May Britt also. It is one of the cutest tin I have seen for a long time....

Honeysuckle Cottage I got my Christmas present from the Christmas club 2008. A jornal with fabrics cover,buttons that smell lovely and smelts in tealights candle,a scissors fob and at last .. the" firecracker" contains three wooden spools.Thank you all you people at Honeysurckle Cottage I love the gift from you.

The last I want to show another great parcel.... My
SSCS gift 2008... I got all this great gifts from
Melinda. A box of chocolate, salt- and pepperboxes,a "tote Along" with pattern ( I will make more of this. Realy a great idea),a jornal with a pen in a pocket and a new purse.I had to bring the purse out with me to show it to my friends as soon as I got the opportunity. Thank you Melinda I love it all. ;-) I also wand to give Donna some big hugs for hosting this SSCS and making all us girls all over the world happy. Thank you ;-)

As I showed in the first photo, I got a stitchery pattern from my friend Bjørg( no blogg),last christmas I got this as a kit from her.I manage do finish it this year, so now I'm ready to stitch this years great pattern....

I have been a lazy blogger this Christmas, to excuse me a little I have to say... I got Christmas visitors.... Cyan and her "mother" has been here and my parents are here too. We have realy had some great time. It is Cyan's first Christmas so she has to try every thing. She are a in-door cat,so she has to try and climb the Christmas tree. Sadly it is a fake three,but I belive it gave her some feeling how it is to be in the top of a tree... As you can see we got snow and realy cold weather. - 25 degrees now... Brrr

Cyan also keep an close eye on my mother when we playd Yatzy this evening. None of us dare to cheat.... We found a new way to use some of my buttons, we used them to count all our extra throw of the dice...

At last before I go to my bed, I want to show you some of my angels. I got five new one for christmas( my daugther wonder why I got them... If every body think I was an angel or if they want me to improve myself..... Hm. I wonder my self ;-)....) Any way- thank you Stine, Lisbeth and Inger. I love all the angels and wonder if I need to make room in a cabinet so I can enjoy them all the time...
I want to wish you all in the blog world a Happy New Year. I hope 2009 will be a great year to us all. What it will bring to me I wonder....
Big hugs to you all from me.
I am glad you like your gifts. I had fun putting the package together for you.
A very happy, quilty New Year to you, dear Laïla !
I am wishing you a Happy 2009 - with good friends, a lot of quilting, no bent needles, new job chances, a lot of smiles and laughter!
I am looking forward to see you soon!
Hugs ((()))
Gott nytt år!
Happy new year!
Beautiful cat!
(the check code was catisma for this post!)
Love the photo of Cyan in the tree. My little Frida just enjoys looking at the tree :)
I wish you a happy new quilting year, and I know you will come up with a lot of new projects :) Like me LOL
going to be 34 here today so will send some warmth.....lots of beautiful goodies here........thanks for being in the SSCS again this year.......
Godt Nytt År til deg og dine. Det blir nok masse inspirasjon å hente på bloggen din dette året og tenker jeg:)
Enda en gang Godt Nytt År. Vi skal nok holde kontakten. Har sett alt for lite til deg de siste månedene. Min feil. Masse klemmer til deg.
Happy New Year dear Laila.
I go from one quilt blog to another and love them all. I just started my own crafts blog. Plz visit me here Crafts 4 U n Me> Maybe you can leave me some advice on quilting. Thanks.
Hi Laila,
So good to see you post on your blog.
Lots of great gifties and it looks like you had a wonderful Christmas.
I hope your New Year will be great all year through.
Keep Stitchen'
Hi, Laila!
Happy New Year to you and your family.
I was very happy with your visit in my blog.
I'm visiting your blog now and I really love what I see.
How beautiful! =)
Hugs for you
Hi, Laila!
Happy New Year to you and your family.
I was very happy with your visit in my blog.
I'm visiting your blog now and I really love what I see.
How beautiful! =)
Hugs for you
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