Ok. see you later ...I'm on the run. :-)
She had got a kit to me also." Lilys on the pond " from Wello Wood Marked in Bemidji. Great pattern with all I need to make it. It is made of cotton and wool. Exciting to try to make a tablerunner with wool.I have never done anything with wool.
Bemidji was the last place she was staying. The family of her boyfriend are from Bemidji and his grandmother are living there. Great place wirh lovely quilt shops she says.
I got some Japanese book to. A big book with 156 patchwork blocks made by Yoko Saito.And a book with great ideas and lots of " I just have to do it" pattern. I realy need more vacation. She also bought lots of beatiful pattern fore herself. And more fabrics. You just have to look on her blog....I can't forget all the lovely stuf she has got....And I think I have to be nice.....and hope to borrow. :-) As a matter of fact she promiced to let me borow. Some times I feel like I can not see anything without thinking .......must have..must have. I'm not the only one...I hope ???!!
She had bought some books to, and she belive I could read them..... I will give it a try. I have not been reading books in English since schooldays a loooooong time ago.But I manage to understand what the meanings are in quilt magasines. I can bring the Dictionary from the girls school days and read slowly. :-)
One of the book are a book from the series of Elm Creek. I have read about it in some blogs and it are a ....must have thing. In Norway we just have a few books abouth quilting ladies...(I have only read two in Norwegian.)
Wasn't she clever to get mutch " must have" news from her trip ???
This are my sewing room..... I have got a new window and I have to move everything in the room. But it was not all bad, I threw away a lot of leftovers and things I realy didn't need..... and something I didn't meent to threw away , but gone are gone and I don't miss it. Just remember it to late.I just love all my new windows..... I can wash them witout move every thing, just turn them. Easy to have clean windows, but will they be more clean? That's a another question.
When Nemo was away I got a book in the mail who belongs to her. I just have to make this doll quilt from it. I have all this 30-years repro fabrics laying with my quilting fabrics. And now I have a reason to use them. I have just made the top, but now it are ready to add backing and to quilt it. The book was American Doll Quilt. It was a lot of easy things to make...
Ok.now I have to take care of Jacob. He are going to get food and to be put in the carge for the night.
And I have some stitching to do..... To the stitchery swap, I make a stitchery to......Oh, no it is a secret.... :-)
Take care...