Summer are almost gone into fall, and Emma are no longer a baby. She has got her first two teeth and sit in her baby carriage...
.Nemo has mad her the great strawberry cap.

I have done a lot of stitchery this month, but only manage to finish two .... The sweet little bag from Stitchery of the month club.It is a Natalie Ross design, Big enought to carry a cup and a cupcake. Just what I need for the quilt meetings...

And I have at last done the first of four of AnnAKa's Hekser (witches) This one says "Natur opplevelser" (Natures adventure) So I manage to do two items this month also...Great for the chalenge.

This summer I got all these thimbles from great friends , who has been traveling around. Thank you all , it is soo fun to get new thimbles. The one with the bird are the first one I got from Emma- Wonder if she will be traveling a lot in future...

Last week ,when I saw a lot of my quilting friends, I got this beauti from
Maihaugen. Thanks a lot Inger. ;-)

I even got a great pressent from Irene..Some wood pearls, a exciting fabrics and a treasure-chest. I must find somthing special to hide in it... LOL

I got a great visit last week,a lot of my quilting friends.We all had a great time , stitching and talking and I got a lot of Q- vitamins.It is so fun to meet them again again after a long summer. It was Emmas first quilt meeting--- wonder if she will be a quilter. No hurry , time will show. ;-)

Jacob and Cyan are still messing around.... They give us a lot of fun, and some headache.Jacob somthimes get mad and cryes out loud and Cyan runs like a mad in the living room.But most of the time they are great friends. I can't tell who are the boss... it depends ... Here are Jacob trying to get Cyan down from the roof of his birdcage. They had a discussion about the sunflowerseed earlier. Yes Cyan eat them... ;-)

I wonder if Cyan has got to mutch Q-vitamins... She fell a sleep in all my projects....Hm I got a lot more to complete...And to day I manage to get me even more to do. I have spend a lot of this day in Quiltegården....I will show you next time.. Untill then - Have some grat days.