I have been a lazy blogger for a while...Hm. there must be somthing going on ..Ok... I have been able to take a photo of these lovely flowers, only a week ago. I have been in France to visit my brother and his family.So the flowers looks diffrent from the ice-roses I use to see here now.But so fare this year it has been little of them , it is not cold white snow, just slush..

The view from my brother's veranda was great. I whis I could been there in summer time.Image to sit here in soft warm nigths... Looking out on Grass and all the way to the sea, smelling all the flowers , lavendre, may bee some perfume ( Grass are known for making perfume) and listen to all the sounds of the nigth....

This is what I leave, it was cold this day and they were making snow in the ski area.Great view this also, but some thimes I feel you can't see the beauty where you live.Our house are in the middle of this photo,a brown house next to the spruce.

I have been clever and done a lot of quilting and stitching the last month, but because of the fast comming up Christmas I can or will not show it to you....But this quilt are done in the last days. The blocks are from a Thimbleberry club, and at last I got it to be more than a UFO.I feel great about all the UFO's I manage to have done in 2009 and will try to get a lot more done in 2010.... I hope... ;-) There are a lot of them just laying around just waiting to be done...and I REALY want them... I have a lot of new ideas on my wish list too. There are soo mutch I would like to do.I see new patterns and ideas all the time, so I think 2010 are going to be a busy year... ;-)

Wnen I got home from France and some great days in Oslo visiting my girls,I had got a lot of mail.New patterns, a kit , Homespun and this gift...It is from my SSCS partner
Sonia.When I took the parcel there was a scary sound. Allmost like broken glass, but it was just the little bell.
Look at the great Noel ornament, I wonder if Sonia know about my trip to France ;-) She even send me a great hand made card. Thank you Sonia... I will not peep,but it will be hard to save the gift untill the 24. But I will do that.
Nemo are going to spend cristmas here this year, so we must both wait to open our gift.
Have a great weekend and
Lucia. I hope to be able to do more Christmas stuff... ;-)