Last weekend I went to a class with Kristin Pollen. We was going to make Star in a Star blocks. Working two and two together, and make two equal quilts. One was sewing and the other was cutting fabrics and ironing. My partner and I manage to make 24 blocs. It was what we want to make....two small quilts for the summer. To use out in the evenings. Here are our blocs with some blocs from some other girls...

Here you can see our blocks on the floor the way we decided it to look. ( If we could manage to remember how it should look) I took this photo, I don't trust my memory.But some time it dosen't help...

Here are the result. I like it, I have to pick some fabrics for the border and I will do that to morrow at the store. So far I have only used from my stash....( I feel so good) But the fabrics has not shrink a bit.( As you can see the photo didn't help. I manage to mix some of the blocs, but who bother? )

I have been able to finish the first block of Truly Scrumptios by
Cinderberry Stitches. I have these blocks as a slow work.Only to relax with. I love to stitch and listen to TV.....

Yesterday I found a new BOM .....It is called "Noah's Ark" made by
Lynette Andersson. It is free and you can find it on her blog. I will make them all,and get
me a little new stitchery quilt in a year....I love to get more to do. ;-)
Have a great day. I hope to get some fabrics for the border on the summer quilt to morrow.
I think it will be a busy day at work.....we are starting a big sale, with lots of fabrics,books and pattern.
Your rabbits look great, thanks for mentioning my free BOm on your blog.
Your star in a star quilt looks wonderful- I can see we have similar taste- I am also working on my "truly Scrumptious" and I've traced Lynette's rabbits- but haven't gotten around to stitching them yet... Have a great day!
Lots of gorgeous blocks! Your summer quilt will be fabulous!
Kjempefine stjerner. Og så godt at du fikk et teppe til ;)
Hi there! Just catching up after a long time. I see you have been really busy finishing lots of wisps. Well done, they all look great!
Helloooooo, my friend !
Your workshop quilt blocks are gorgeous, and your stitcheries are soooo cute ! BRAVO, dear !
By the way, I'm also in Lynette's free sticthery BOM. :>)
Will start tonight (can't wait !)
Lots of ((HUGS)) & smiles to you!
Your stars are great.
Your stars are just lovely and so are your stitcheries. I have GOT to get some stitcheries prepared to do while watching TV :0).
I love to get more to do as well. But I'm drowning in it all! :-)
Love your rabbits.
The stars look wonderful and I like the sashing. The cinderberry stitchery must be fun to do. And thanks for sharing the freebie.
Congratulations for your blog and your works, is very beautifull!!!!
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