May Britt showed her thimbles and she told about
Nancy and her big collection of thimbles. Nancy also has a Give a way, so you shold take a look .I promise to show my thimbles as vel. I only have a few. These two I love , the most simple belong to my grandmother. I don't know how old the thimble are but my grandmother was born in 1904. (I think.) And the other was hers sister-in -laws. As you almost can see har name was Bergliot. I don't know when she was born, but I think they was almos at the same time.The thimbles are both in silver and they has a blue stone on the top.Bergliot's has a drake around it.Like the one you can see on old woodcutting from the time when the Viking's was around.

Here are the rest of my little collection, I have got almos every one from good friends. They are from;Amsterdam,Island,Roma,London,Lanzarote,France and the last are from Hell. ;-) Last years NQF meeting was at a little place in Trøndelag, Norway named Hell.

On Saturday we went to Oslo to celebrate
Nemo.s birtday( She are having her birtday to day)And of course I have to take a quick walk in town. I needed to go to Panduro to buy some panting for the Cloudberry-pattern. But when I came to the desk to pay, I had got more. ;-) Two nice boxes Safety pins and ordinary pins + three fabrics.....

We also had a stop at my oldes daughter's home to visit her and not at least Cyan.( I think she are a Quilting cat) She has found herself a new sleeping place.I have promice to make her a quilted sleeping bag..... In brown and pink.

To day I went to
Lappehøna to visti her and get a chat and of course coffee. we even manage to do some sewing. LOL The sun was shining and it was lovely to walk. No ice on the road...But it is a lot of snow on the mountain.I wounder when it will be gone?
Lovely silver thimbles. I really thought you had more thimbles :)
Cyan is sooooooo cute.
beautiful thimbles indeed, and lovely treats at the quiltshop ! :>)
When seeing the snow, it makes me longing to be there with all of you !
Enjoy your sewing, dear Laïla .
Oh boy, I love your silver thimbles!
How did that cat get in there? *LOL*
The silver thimbles are lovely. and the snow looks beautiful, I think you live in the most beautiful place!
Hei! Jeg deler din snøopplevelse her nordvest.. Håper virkelig vi får til kurs med deg og Lisbeth etterhvert! Dere er hjertelig velkomne, og jeg gleder meg i mellomtia med å se på alt du gjør! Imponerende! Artig er det også å se gamle kjente innimellom mye flotte arbeid! Ønsker deg snarlig snøfri hage og en flott vår!
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