Here are a photo from Elverum Quiltelags last meeting before summer. As last year we were so luckey to be invited back to the great dairy. This time the weather was so great that we stayed out doors.
May Britt has a lot of photos on her blog from May 2007.
May Britt and I realy had a great time, with lots of food and less quilting.We did bring something to work on, but didn't work too hard.I have not beeing to clever on the quilting area these days. I'm still working on my new sewing area and we have had some visitors in the weekend...I'm not the only one who are clearing in my sewing room. Have a look at
Quiltgal's blog and have a look. She are having a "give away"

But I'm working on this
Spring Fling Round Robin. I have started to quilt it and it is almost ready to go out in the world to his owner.I'm looking forward to get my ....

Last week I got my PIF pressent from
Gail. A beautiful bag. I love it and it has been with me several times already. It will be my summer bag this year. Thank you Gail. I have started on my PIF gift to. So the owner don't have to wait to mutch more....

I have been out in my garden picking flowers( befor my husband started to cut the grass) I love the "For-get-me-not" flowers and want to share it with you all.A little summer greeting to you all in Blog-land.

Here are the visitor I was telling you about.... My oldest daughters cat,Cyan.She are a Russian blue, 6 mnd old and just lovely.Look at her green eyes.Green as the gras.She walkes in a leash, and thanks for that,she are sooooo fast.She lives in Oslo so she realy enjoyed to lie in the gras looking at the birds and the flies.

She and Jacob realy had a great time.I was sitting and reading when I suddenly heard Jacob was making sounds, as he does when he is having a great time.( Cozy-sounds almost like a cats purr.)
When I looked I saw why....He had a visitor in his cage.Cyan found it so fun to play with Jacob. When he was sitting quiet to long she gave him a little push with her paw, but no claw, just to make him move.But I don't dare to trust them for real,I never know what could happen if they got to playfull. But it will be great fun to watch them when they meet again next time.
I hope you all will have a great time untill next time. I have some stitching projects..
Noas Ark and some more...I will show you later...See you ;-)
Hi Laila thanks for your visit & my mention very kind wow you are very brave letting the cat near Jacob she sure looks on the hunt in the photo as you say dont leave them alone...although when we got our dog we were told that he would kill the guinea pigs we had,but he used to get in their run & they would walk over him!!
I loved you blog! And your cat is beautiful!!!!
Great photo of Cyan and Jacob.
Nice pictures, dear ! Wish I could have been with you all !
Hey, hey, what do I see ???? You had a nice haircut ! OMG it suits you sooo well. Congratulations :>)
Kjempefine bilder. Cyan er bare helt herlig :)
The retreat sounds wonderful! It's fun to get together with quilting friends. Have fun with your Spring Fling Round Robin! Keep well!
It looks like it is summer in your neck of the woods.
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