Monday, October 11, 2010

Start of the "Quilt Seasong"....

To days photo are from the bridge and as you can see the last days windy weather has made all the leaves disappear. It was 3 degress below zero this morning, so now the nature are prepare for winter and snow. Now it is time to start "the quilt" season, as they call it in the Elm Creek book I'm reading now. I got The Aloha Quilts as my bed-reading. Great book - but I read english realy slow :-)
My thimble collection are still growing thanks to great friend ... This two are from the northern part of Norway.Harstad, where my mother spend most of her childhood, and The Artctic Circle. Thank you Nancy and May Britt. ;-) I have never been so far north., but a great dream of mine are to take a trip with the Hurtigruta. In Mach next year I'm going to Tromsø - NQF annual meeting are going to be there. Guess ho are looking forward to be there and meet all the other quilting ladies......

I have been clever and manage to do a little Quilting so far this month .... a little wall quilt to hang over my bed.I love the fabrics in the frame- I hope you can see all the small angels.
I have also made Emma a knitted sweater to use in the kindergarten.- I hope she and her mum like it... ;-)
The kids are growing- Here are Peder with his new bibs. He got them the last time I saw him. It is a fun and useful way to use funny fabrics :-) Peder are a big boy now with two teeth.
And Emma are almost ready to walk out to meet the world- the carriage are safe to walk with --- just in case. ;-)
It will be so fun to meet them again soon...

Have a great start of The Quilt Season... I hope to be able to finish a lot of my UFO's now.


Vigdis said...

Kjempefint englebilde du har sydd:) er nok sikker på at Emmas genser faller i smak :)

Anonymous said...

Emma and Peder are growing up so fast! Love Emma's glasses by the way!! Little people in glasses are so cute! Glad you've had some time for sewing. Do they not publish those books in Norweigian?

Dolores said...

I look forward to seeing your creativity.

May Britt said...

Love your angel quilt.
We are going to have so much fun in march:) Look forward to travel there.

Julie Fukuda said...

I enjoyed reading the Elm Creek series too. I am a very slow reader and English is my native language, though I live in Japan.
I have a very small thimble collection that I got without even trying but my quilting friend has many many cases of thimbles. If you would like one from Japan, I can send you one.
Keep up the good work!

Jeanne said...

Brrrr. Thank goodness we have quilting to keep us busy during the winter months. Your kids are so cute and growing quickly.