I have a lot to tell you, but I could not get any more photos to the blog,Bloger Error. ;-(
So I just have to show the MOST important....Alos I have been moving my sewing-area.I used to have all my stuff all over the whole house.Cutting fabrics on the kitchen, making big quilts with my sewing maskine in the sitting room and ironing in my sewing-room.And I moved all around when I did stitchery.... But that was before LOL May I introduce "My hand sewing area", with my libaty just by my side. I got a lot more magasines ,but that part are expecting some cupboards to all my fabrics, so I have to show that part later.

Here are my Sewing area with space to iron and cutting. I have not been able to work on it yet, but just you wait and see when I'm of work. I think it is going to be soo great having all that room to work at.

Jacob had to move to let me have his sitting-room. But I think he dosen't care. He can be watching us in ouer sitting-room.And I belive he is verry happy with his new room. He has got his "Fan-club" with him. And throught the window he can watch some of our neighbours. He think it is great to see some peoples when he are in his cage.

Here are my old sewing room before I moved.....I think you can image how great I feel abouth the new one. The last days before moving I feel like I could not get air when walking in it.All that mess, so now I have to organize all my stuff.A H.... of a work, but it is needed. Get all the fabrics in colors, magasines in volumes and patterns in done,-want to do,-and why did I bought it????
I think I'm going to find a lot of "new" stuff.
I will show you later.
I have some great photos to show from our trip to Trondheim, But as there are blogger error I will do it next time. Hopfully soon.
Untill then- have a great time. Hugs. ;-)
Lucky you! That looks much better!
Your sewing area looks very comfortable. Congratulations! :-)
I think both you and jacob will be happy in your new rooms.
a great sewing area.......
WOW! that's quite the change. Your sewing room looks great. As for photo and blogger, I wonder if it's because your files are too big. I resize my pictures before I post them. I think they only allow a certain amount of space per entry. I may be wrong! Hopefully the problem will be fixed for you! Keep well!
Love the new sewing room, looks very relaxing!
Gratulerer til både Jacob og deg. Dere fikk fine arbeidsrom begge to :)
I love your new sewing area. It looks very comfortable and so useful.
What a beautiful 'new' sewing room. I'm sure you'll spend many happy hours in it producing many masterpieces!
Brilliant - great place to sew. Now we are all waiting to see what you make. No excuses now - lol !
Your new sewing area looks wonderful -- what a fantastic space for all of your quilting!
Congratulations on your new sewing room. I am waiting for the pictures from Trondheim.
Ja det ble stor forandring til det bedre vil jeg tro. Det nye sy rommet ser jo sååå stort ut at man kunne nesten bli misunnelig:-)Ser noen flotte tepper og gardiner i bak grunnen jeg har lyst til å se nermere på
Ha en fin uke:-)
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