I have been clever so far this year.. wonder how long it will last :-)
But this is what Magda and I have been playing with ... The first are a "mail joy" I got from
Hanne just before christmas... Isn't great :-) Thank you Hanne. it will be on my wall next Christmas

Magda and I have been digging deep in my UFO pile and have two more finish this month... Realy old tablerunners.. The pattern are
AnnAKa's - aboth two years old -- I belive LOL but on the pattern it says 2005 - and I started to make the when it was fresh pattern.. Oh dear times runs.. But now they are done.. It is so fun to do Buttonhole stitches with Magda. I use to get Buttonhole stitches-refusal , but now I feel those days are gone :-)

I got to show you my new thimbles too, Christmas gifts ( luckey me) The Polska one I got from my aunt Astri and the one from Australia I got from
Sølvi. Thank you so mutch both of you. I even got some fabrics from them --- What I make of it I will show when it is done :-)

I got a big surprice in my mail box just before New year... A letter from Japan :-) A thimble with traditional design and a hankerchief with small rabitsall over. I can't use it as a hankerchef... It is so beautifull , so by me it is going to be a little tablerunner to bring me good luck. This year are the rabits year in Japan. Thank you
Julie, you are so kind to me. I will find you a little from Norway and send to you too :-)

At last I want to wish you all a happy new year - with or with out rabbits :-)
I was with Emma and Peder on the last nigth of 2010.. here they are looking at some "Stjerneskudd" I don't know the English name of it- but it is some sticks when set on fire they will make" stars"...
So untill next time have fun and play with your UFO's.
Hugs :-9
Hi Laila - lovely post. I think the children are watching "sparklers" xxx
I guess you and Magda will have a lot of fun in the sewingroom :)
Sparklers! They are awesome fun!
Ser ut som Magda og du leker veldig bra sammen :))
I love your table runners they will be wonderful UFOs when they are finished...if that makes sense.In English they are sparklers and my children loved them also.
Hi Laila, Glad your thimble made it OK. You really don't have to send me anything. Your friendship is enough and I don't have to worry where to put it! The heart is always big enough for adding friends.
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