There has been a sort of a UFO- attack in my home lately. When I decide to organize my sewing area there pop out a lot of new and old ideas -- read UFO's.. And a lot of them are realy great and I want to do every one of them ... No wonder it is hard to sleep... I even found book and magazines... Terrible :-)) This little wallquilt are a start of somthing I found in a new magazine. Quiltmania nr 81. And of course I had to start making it, but just a small one - remember I "hate" to work with Paper Pieces... LOL But I couldn't help trying to do this Japanese Boxes. It is so fun to make geometricale shapes....

This is a very old UFO, just poping up from the dark forgettfulness :-) Once again Paper Pieces...All made by left overs a long time ago....Now I have to find a special frame to put on it. I got some idea... once again with Paper Pieces.... Hope to show you soon... I love this little item, hard work to put it to gether , but now I hope you can see there are no start or end of the triangle.... I saw it on an old Frenche magazine year and year ago...... Don't know what magazine of who the author are...

Oh - yes I have manage to do some finishes also... A table runner from
Nothern Quilts and another after an idea on the net.... Magda has been lending me a helping needle with this :-)

She has also had a needle or two on this Christmas Basket by
Red Brolly...Fun to stitch, but not so easy to get perfect together... I have store it with my Christmas decorations,It will be fun to find and use in December..
Now I'm off to do more of my Paper Pieces... I have to work fast, so I don't remember that I " hate" to that.
Have a great week..
Hugs :-)
Love your new project. It really looks like boxes :)
Flinke du. De var fine.
Her var det mye fint :-) Det skal ikke bli kjedelig i Trysil heller ser jeg :-)
YOu may hate paper piecing, but your projects look great!
Your quilts are so gawjus .... very clever indeed!!
Joy :o)
Dyktig som alltid du ;) Og dette er nok bare begynnelsen på UFO bølgen din :))
Noe så fint sydd;boksene mener jeg;
trodde virkelig det var det:-)
Litt spennende da å sjekke opp
UFO-er som ligger her og der!!
Utrolig herlige papir-bit-lappverk. dvs kubene og de japanske eskene. Hva slags biter har du brukt i de japanske eskene? Ferdigkjøpte maler? tror du det funker å dele 6-kanter?
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